The Plant People have built a strong relationship with Todd Properties over the last few years which has allowed us to extend our works with the Long Bay Communities Project. The extent of the work and the addition of two new teams (construction and environmental) have opened up new opportunities allowing the incorporation of all divisions.
The construction team is currently working on Long Bay reserve 3 building a green space and play ground. The work entails drainage, furniture, pathways and playground installation. The landscaping team will make the finishing touches and beautification including planting.
Long Bay wetland C involved soft and hard landscape. Firstly, the hard landscape involved the construction of a boardwalk using corten structures. Corten is the use of weathered steal to create a low maintenance rustic finish. Secondly, the soft landscape team finished this project planting water tolerant species to create a lasting, self-sustaining ecosystem. Lastly, our maintenance division continues to attend to the plantings, suppressing invasive weeds and decreasing competition for the native wetland species.
The environmental team is undertaking work on Vaughan’s Corridor which includes a large scale invasive weed removal throughout the stream, rehabilitation of a remnant forest section and revegetation planting. Raupo (Tyhpha orientalis) is seen throughout the stream but is smothered by a convovulus sp. Part of the management plan is to remove this invasive vine and control the extent of the Raupo. The remnant forest is diverse with native species but was under threat by several invasive weeds such as: convovulus sp., gorse, wattle, woolly night shade, willow and ginger. The environmental team has been suppressing the noxious weeds and will be planting in the new season.
Due to the success of the above projects we have been awarded Long Bay Stage 17 and will be commencing work on this in the near future. We would like to thank our client Todd Properties for the continually growing relationship.