In the middle of winter it’s all about planting new season fruit trees, planting strawberries, harvesting citrus and pruning – here are some great tips from the Fruit Gardener’s diary.
It is time to pick your lemons, limes, mandarins, grapefruit, oranges and cumquats as they are all ripening and ready for harvest in the warmest of areas.
Avocados will begin to ripen in some areas, Tamarillos and Feijoa – there may still be a few hanging around to pick in colder areas.
All deciduous fruit trees can be planted in July, August and September while the plants are still dormant. The widest selection will be available in garden stores now – when planting remember fruit trees require a position in full sun with shelter from strong prevailing winds preferable.
Now is the time to do some pruning so get those secateurs, saws and loppers sharpened. Grapes, kiwifruit, apples, pears and apricots can be pruned in these colder months but avoid pruning peaches, plums and almonds in winter because it can spread the silver leaf virus – these fruits should be pruned in summer to limit its spread.
July is a great time to plant NZ cranberry or Chilean guava, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blueberries, boysenberries and blackberries. Now is also the time to lift and divide established Rhubarb crowns.
Now is also the perfect time to plant those strawberry plants as they need to have a period of winter chilling to ensure a good crop. The cold temperature helps stimulate the flower buds which produce the fruit so prepare beds by working soil over with a fork, blend in sheep pellets, a layer of Strawberry Mix and Strawberry Food prior to planting.
Happy Planting from The Plant People Team.